Do you want a pet, but you can’t decide which one? Fret not, for cats are known to be the best! While some may like dogs or birds as companions, cats offers a unique qualities that makes them the ideal pets. Cats tend to have a bad reputation, some people assume they’re unfriendly, snobby, completely uninterested, and prone to scratching and biting this are perceptions.
Cats are truly one of the best pets to adopt as they come in all shapes, sizes, with unique and loveable personalities. Let’s look at few reasons why cats make the best pet:
Cats like to snuggle when they trust you and can provide great comfort. When cats cuddles with you it feels like a warm hug. Living with cats can be one of the most rewarding experiences of a life time. Whether you are a life-long feline enthusiast, or just recently developed a fondness for these snuggly kitties.
A cat’s non-judgmental behavior can be a great reminder of our beautiful differences and similarities. There’s nothing like a purring cuddle session with your furry friend.
Cats are independent and don’t need a lot of pampering. You can leave them alone and they’ll just be fine! Their food and necessary supplies are not particularly expensive, making them an ideal pet for those on a budget.
Cats are great because they are independent and require minimal care compared to larger pets. You don’t need to worry about them or needing to walk them like a dog, for cats typically takes care of their own bathroom needs.
Cats are fastidious groomers. That means they’ll take care of themselves, and they help you have a tidy home without any extra effort!
Cats possess a uniqueness and beauty in their movements, personality and needs. They bring out the best in us, allowing for moments of wonder and admiration as we observe their many quirks and traits. They cheekily allow us to share in their joy of exploration and play, each and every day.
Cats understands us and accept us as we are. They provide this calm background noise and amaze us with their agility and grace.
Cats can also be a great source of entertainment, allowing us to laugh at their playfulness and silly antics. From lounging on top of the bookshelf to playing hide and seek when they want a nap, cats never fail to make us smile.
And while they can sometimes be mischievous, they still manage to be incredibly endearing.
Apartments are more likely to allow cats than dogs, this is because they require less space and are generally fine with living in a smaller home without having to go outside.
It is easy to keep a cat in an upper-level apartments or even high-rises, because cats use the little box and don’t need to be taken outside to use the bathroom or exercise.
Most kittens already know how to use the litter box as soon as you bring them home. Even cats that were born stray or feral instinctively know to bury their waste after going to the bathroom. Usually all you have to do is show her where the litter box is and show her how to dig in the litter using your own hands.
Cats have been domesticated companions to humans for centuries, evidenced by strong bond between people and cats worldwide. Why not find your furry friend today and start your cat journey now.